Single Cell miTotal RNA Extraction Miniprep System

Single Cell miTotal RNA Extraction Miniprep System


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The Viogene® Single cell miTotal RNA Extraction Miniprep System provides a fast method to purify total RNA of a single cell from various samples such as cells from culture or blood buffy coat. A simple spin-column based method can isolate large RNAs, siRNAs and microRNAs without the time-consuming procedure of phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation, the highly purified total RNA can be used for quantitative detection of RNA level using quantitative method, such as qPCR, digital PCR or microarray.

Available in either 50 or 250 prep kits

SCVTR1001-SCVTR-1002_Protocol.pdf SCVTR1001-SCVTR-1002_Protocol.pdf