Welcome to Diagnostic Technology’s newest product update from our suppliers. This issue will focus on the PathoNostics MucorGenius® for the detection of Mucorales species, along with newly released ZeptoMetrix NATtrol ™  of two respiratory panels and three new SARS-CoV-2 variant heat inactivated culture fluids.

PathoNostics MucorGenius®

Altona CMV

PN-700 MucorGenius® real-time PCR (25 rxn) 

Detection of clinically relevent Mucorales species. 

Features & benefits:

  • The only commercial real-time PCR kit available
  • Direct detection in BAL samples
  • Sample-to-result in less than 3 hours
  • Detection of clinically relevant species: Rhizopus spp., Mucor spp., Rhizomucor spp., Lichtheimia spp., Cunninghamella spp.
  • Can be used in parallel with the AsperGenius® PCR kit.  

For Research Use Only

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ZeptoMetrix NATtrol™ Respiratory Verification Panel 2.1: 

Altona CMV


NATtrol™ Respiratory Verification Panel 2.1 is formulated with purified, intact bacterial cells and viral particles. The microorganisms have been chemically modified to render them non-infectious and refrigerator stable. NATRVP2.1-BIO contains 23 x 0.6 mL vials of bacterial and viral NATtrol™ and 1 x 0.6 mL of negative (matrix only). The panel members are supplied in a proprietary matrix.

NATtrol™ Respiratory Verification Panel 2.1 is designed to evaluate the performance of nucleic acid tests for determination of the presence of bacterial and viral nucleic acids.

For Research Use Only

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 ZeptoMetrix NATtrol™ Respiratory Panel 2.1 (RP2.1) Controls:


NATtrol™ Respiratory Panel 2.1 (RP2.1) Controls is formulated with purified, intact bacterial cells and viral particles. The microorganisms have been chemically modified to render them non-infectious and refrigerator stable. NATRPC2.1-BIO contains 6 x 0.3 mL vials of RP2.1 Control 1 and 6 x 0.3 mL of RP2.1 Control 2. The controls are supplied in a proprietary matrix.

NATtrol™ RP2.1 Controls are designed to evaluate the performance of nucleic acid tests for determination of the presence of bacterial and viral nucleic acids.

For Research Use Only

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ZeptoMetrix CMV

New ZeptoMetrix SARS-CoV-2 Culture Fluids:

SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 Variants are enveloped, positive-sense, single stranded RNA virus from the Coronaviridae family and the Betacoronaviridae genus. 
Each frozen aliquot contains 1 mL of heat inactivated viral culture fluid. The pre-inactivation titers are determined from an infectious aliquot. 
Must be used within a Biological Safety Level 2 facility


SARS-CoV-2 Variant B.1.1.7 Culture Fluid (Heat Inactivated) (1 mL):

Isolate: USA/CA_CDC_5574/2020

SKU: 0810612CFHI

SARS-CoV-2 Variant B.1.351 Culture Fluid (Heat Inactivated) (1 mL):

Isolate: South Africa/KRISP-K005325/2020

SKU: 0810613CFHI

SARS-CoV-2 Variant B.1.1.7 Culture Fluid (Heat Inactivated) (1 mL):

Isolate: England/204820464/2020

SKU: 0810614CFHI

For Research Use Only