KIPIB21021Contact us for more information.
Acetylcholine receptor from human muscle is used as antigen in this radio receptor assay. The receptors are labelled with 125I-alpha-bungarotoxin. This snake venom binds the receptors most specifically and almost irreversible. Autoantibodies present in the patient´s serum attach to the labelled receptors. The resulting immune complexes are precipitated with anti-human IgG. The amount of radioactivity of the sediment is directly proportional to the concentration of acetylcholine receptor autoantibodies of the sample.
Catalog #: KIPIB21021
Format: RIA
Label: I125
Size: 100 tests
Sample Type: Serum, plasma
Sample Volume: 20 µL
Controls: 2 levels
Range: 0,2-8 nmol/L
Sensitivity: 0,01 nmol/L
Incubation: 120min./30 min./15 min/15 min.
Shelf Life (weeks): 11