Ampli1™ ReAmp/ds Kit
Ampli1™-ReAmp/ds-KitContact us for more information.
Ampli1™ ReAmp/ds Kit is design to reamplify the Ampli1 WGA product obtained from single cells, or from a batch of cells, in a reliable and reproducible way.
Reamplification will provide additional WGA-amplified DNA from the same cell. For downstream genetic analysis, you may use the Ampli1 Reamplification product in the same manner as Ampli1 WGA product.
Ampli1 ReAmp/ds Kit can also be used to convert ssDNA molecules into dsDNA molecules both in Ampli1 WGA products and in Ampli1 reamplification products in order to increase the total dsDNA content. This procedure is recommended for accurate DNA quantitation, high-throughput high dimensional downstream analysis, and NGS applications to ensure high sequencing uniformity.