Gastrin - Rabbit polyclonal
Bio SB

Gastrin - Rabbit polyclonal

BSB 5547-BSB 5553

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Gastrin is a linear peptide hormone produced by G-cells of the duodenum and in the pyloric antrum of the stomach. It is secreted into the bloodstream. Gastrin antibody gives positive staining of G-cells of human antral/pyloric mucosa and cells producing gastrin or a structural gastrin analogue as is seen in the stomach. No staining of other cells or tissue types has been observed. This antibody may react with sulfated and non-sulfated forms of gastrin. The antibody cross-reacts with more than 50% of the present choleocystokinin octapeptide.

Available options include prediluted (3ml, 7 ml, 15ml), concentrate (0.1 ml, 0.5ml, 1ml) and 5+ control slides.

For Research Use Only.