ImmunoDetector Liquid DAB Kit
BSB 0015-BSB 0018BContact us for more information.
ImmunoDetector DAB Substrate-Chromogen kit is suitable for use in HRP Detection systems and allow for the demonstration of tissue antigens or nucleic acids in paraffin-embedded tissues, cryostat sections, cytosmears, and cell preparations. The substrate chromogen is the final step in the detection portion; it enables the antibody antigen complex or nucleic acid-probe complex to be viewed under the light microscope. This occurs because DAB acts as an electron donor in the presence of the enzyme horseradish peroxidase; DAB gets oxidized and produces a brown color at the site of the target antigen or nucleic acid.
Available in 15ml (150 tests), 50ml (500 tests), 100ml (1000 tests), 200ml (2000 tests) and 1000ml (10000 tests)
For Research Use Only.