MYC Break Apart FISH Probe Kit - 10 tests

MYC Break Apart FISH Probe Kit - 10 tests


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The MYC FISH probe set is designed to detect rearrangements involving regions of the human MYC gene located on chromosome band 8q24. The kit contains two differentially labeled Locus Specific Probes (LSP), one covering a genomic area upstream (5’) of theMYC gene, the other matching sequences downstream (3’) of the gene. The two probes are designed to recognize sequences on both sides of an area in the 5’ regulatory region of the MYC gene where breakpoints are frequently found. In addition to revealing breaks, which lead to translocation of parts or all of the gene or its fusion to other genes, the probe set can also be used to identify other MYC aberrations such as deletions, amplifications or chromosome 8 hyperdiploidy. 

For Research Use Only.