MagPurix HPV DNA Extraction Kit for Swab Samples
ZP02007-48Contact us for more information.
The MagPurix HPV DNA Extraction Kit for Swab Samples is used with the MagPurix instruments for DNA extraction of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) from cervical cell samples. The samples are collected with a cervical brush or genital swab and stored in the test system with liquid based medium (preservation solution). e.g. Hologic Thinprep PreservCyt®BD SurepathTM, etc. or other STM (sample transport media): e.g. QIAGEN DNA PAP Cervical sampler, RocheCobas® PCR Cell Collection Media, Hybribio cell preservation solution, etc.
*The liquid-based mediums are formulated for cellular preservation and used in liquid-based cytological systems (LBC) for cytological and molecular diagnosis.
Kit contains 48 tests
- Rapid, ready for use, automated fast cervical samples processing.
- Optimized for HPV DNA Extraction from most common sample collection systems, including non-liquid based systems.
- Guarantees high quality DNA for direct downstream analysis and HPV typing.
- BL4 buffer optimizes processing of smear and mucus samples.
- Compatable with different HPV PCR detection kits and assays.