Geno Plus Genomic DNA Extraction Miniprep System

Geno Plus Genomic DNA Extraction Miniprep System


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The Genomic DNA system uses the silica-gel-membrane technology for simple and fast isolation of Genomic DNA without phenol/chloroform or ethanol precipitation. Homogenization is not necessary since tissues are directly lysed by Proteinase K. The buffer system is optimized to allow selective binding of DNA to the silica-gel membrane. The simple centrifugation protocol completely removes contaminants such as proteins, divalent cations, and secondary metabolites. Pure DNA is then eluted in water or low-salt buffer, ready to use. Special protocols and guidelines are provided for different samples, such as paraffin-embedded tissues, culture cells, blood, mouse tails, bacteria and yeast. New buffer formula and a newly developed protocol in Geno PlusTM present larger compatibility with the widest range of samples and higher DNA binding efficiency. With a newly designed column, genomic DNA extract shows better consistency and purity. Geno PlusTM presents superb performance in genomic DNA extraction and provides the purest genomic DNA of outstanding quality.

Available in both 50 and 250 prep kits

GG2001-GG2002_Protocol.pdf GG2001-GG2002_Protocol.pdf

GG2001-GG2002_Brochure.pdf GG2001-GG2002_Brochure.pdf